
Think Olio is an ongoing experiment in alternative adult learning to encourage curiosity, creative living, and face-to-face conversation.

We wanted deeper dialogue in social settings, so we created a welcoming community centered around meaningful topics.

By building a home for lifelong learners, we enjoy lives full of art, community, and liberation.

A Brief History


Chris and David meet in a CUNY classroom with 7 other students and a great professor.

Inspired by the amazing conversations, they dream of creating learning experiences like this outside of the classroom.

They invite a favorite professor to teach in their living room, text some friends to attend, and Olio is born!


Think Olio is invited to host a series at Strand Bookstore, and packs the Rare Book Room with Olios on “Women & Madness,” Buffy the Vampire Slayer, & Oscar Wilde.


The Olio guys rent a Victorian home in Wassaic, NY, which they lovingly call “OlioHouse” and begin hosting retreats every other weekend for the Olio community.


Olio brings a group to Cuba for their first-ever international OlioTrip. They also receive a weekly residency at the Strand Bookstore and Nowadays.


The Olio community sticks together during challenging times by offering virtual weekly Olios, hosting a 12-hour radio show, and bringing therapists on as Olio teachers.


Olio returns to NYC with a week-long residency at Chinatown Soup Art Gallery. Having a venue for a week made space to create fun and weird events. Inspired by the flow of community coming in and out each day, the Olio guys begin dreaming of having their own venue in the near future.


Returning to the roots of the organization, Olio launches CLUB, empowering anyone around the world to host a living room Olio.

We love hearing from you. For partnerships, creating new Olios, or any other opportunities to collaborate, reach out to us at hi@olio.rsvp.